Coin Collection Report

The primary goal is to record and analyze the revenue generated from your coin-operated machines. This helps in understanding the business’s cash flow and financial health.   Coin Collection by Outlet By tracking the expected versus actual amounts collected, the report can help identify any discrepancies that might indicate operational issues or theft. Report will […]


You might include a list of frequently asked questions by your customers concerning a particular method along with the responses. To get started, go to   > However, our default FAQ will still remain as below even if you do not add any questions.   Add question Click “Add FAQ” button on the top right side. […]

User Compensation

The role of User Compensation is to let user to send specific reward to the customers, either voucher, e-token, or stamp. The details will be displayed in table as below: Action: A button for user to provide the customers with rewards. User Name: Shows the user name of customer. Phone Number: The phone number of […]

Store Performance

Gain a more comprehensive understanding of your outlet’s performance through reviewing the total number of loyal members at every store. To get started, go to  > >  Store Performance.   Filter the data Users have the ability to filter the data, by utilising either Select Outlet or Select Date functions. A reset option is also […]

Customize UI

Personalize the user interface for your customers to reflect the identity of your brand. To get started, go to > Choose the color theme that you prefer from the options provided below. Additionally, you may add your logo to be shown up on the first page, by clicking the “Choose file” button. Tip: You can […]

Referral Settings

Enable your member to gain benefit from referring their friends, family, or anyone else they know, it’s a win-win situation for both brand and customer. If a referred friend becomes a new customer, the link indicates a successful conversion, and a reward is issued to the referring customer. The link will keep track of referrals, […]

Token Settings

Payment setting Build closer relationships with your loyal members. E-token packages, send notification when cycle done and set minimum payment for FPX. To get started, go to  > Fee-worthy transaction So far the biggest fee is when using FPX payment method, typically incur a charge of RM 1.20 per transaction. To prevent an unwanted fee, […]

Voucher Settings

Treat your customer Welcome gift, stamp collection, birthday voucher to attract more customers. Describe your offered voucher. Freely set all vouchers amount, either by Flat (- RM) or Rate (- %). To get started, go to  >   Tip:  Separated Stamping = Different washer and dryer stamp collection. (example: Using Washer will gain 1 washer’s […]

Outlet Set Up

Use Laundro for fully control your laundromat With the Setting feature on Laundro, you can securely control outlet setting, get machines QR codes, and create new outlet from anywhere.   Set up new outlet For installation purpose, you need to register the outlet and fill up all the details needed. To get started, go to > […]

Sales by Machine Type

Sales by Machine Type is a comprehensive sales report that categorizes machine types according to the method of payment (coin, epayment, manual, also total claimed discount). Figure 1: The Navigation of Sales by Machine Type   Sales by Machine Type on Selected Date Figure 2: Machine Sales Transaction on Selected Date Red box: Select your desired date. […]