Machine CutOff

By christi


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Machine CutOff

Machine CutOff is designed for auditing purpose of matching the manual coin counting versus coin counting done by Alpha-1 within the matched duration.

nav machine cutoff

Go to Others then Machine Cutoff, select a desired outlet to cut off a group of machines. The webpage will show different groups of machines that users have set.

Figure 1: The Navigation of Machine CutOff.

Manual CutOff Machine

machines group

The title of the group of machines is shown in purple box.

Orange box: Shows the every machine in the particular group.

Red box: CutOff the group of machines.

Green box: Turn on the group of machines.

Besides, the last cutoff date and time are stored every time cutoff and shown such as left figure.

Figure 2: The Group of Machines.

Regroup Machines

regroup button

Find the Regroup button in top right corner of Manual CutOff Machine page.

Figure 3: The Regroup Button.

webpage of machine group management
Figure 4: The Webpage of Machine Group Management.

After clicking Regroup button, the webpage is prompted to Machine Group Management Page, users can regroup every machine to any group in the selected outlet.

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