Sales Summary

By christi


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Sales Summary

If your laundromat experiences significant seasonal fluctuations, you may want to generate reports more frequently during peak periods. Ultimately, the best frequency for your sales summary report will depend on your unique circumstances and the level of detail you require to effectively manage your laundromat operation.

By regularly analyzing your sales summary reports, helps you by understand the popularity of different services or products offered, helping you focus on high-demand offerings.


Sales summary report displays total sales by each payment methods (divided among coin, e-token and all e-wallet payment), discount applied, also the sales summary under total column. Furthermore, this report is segmented by washer and dryer.

Figure 1: The Navigation of Sales Summary

Daily / Monthly Sales Summary

Figure 2: Monthly Sales Summary in Selected Date

  • Red box: Filter to show the data by daily or monthly.
  • Green box: Users can select any date within the selected year.
  • Orange box: Select your desired outlet.

Users can access a more comprehensive report by selecting the button in the page.

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