Are you looking for ways to increase revenue on your property? Here are three profit-generating resources that won’t require a lot of staffing, financial investment or management.

Source 1: Vending Machines

Vending Machines provide a convenient amenity for guests/residents and a simple source of income for property owners.

Source 2: Laundry Room

Having an on-premise laundry room can add value and an additional revenue source to your property.

Source 3: Parking

Parking can be a luxury, especially in high-density areas where there is a parking shortage. Parking is a desired amenity and by charging for it at your property you can increase your bottom line.

By implementing these three sources of additional income at your property, you can increase revenue with virtually no extra effort or major staffing needs. After you take care of your upfront costs to make these changes, it’s pure profit moving forward!

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