Store Performance

By christi


How Can We Help?

Store Performance

Gain a more comprehensive understanding of your outlet’s performance through reviewing the total number of loyal members at every store.

To get started, go to  > >  Store Performance.


Filter the data

Users have the ability to filter the data, by utilising either Select Outlet or Select Date functions.

A reset option is also available for users to use in order to clear the applied filters.


List of column information

  • Store: Shown the existed store as in code format, each outlet have their own unique code.
  • Total Registered Users: Display the overall registered users, by combining the values of Registeresd, Active, Tier 1 and Tier 2 columns.
  • Registered: User registered but no transaction record.
  • Active: User spending is less than RM50.
  • Tier 1: User spending is from RM50 until RM199.
  • Tier 2: User spending is RM200 and above.
  • Average Spending (RM): Average spending in each transaction.
  • Total Transactions: Total amount of transactions.
  • Voucher Claimed: Number of vouchers used in all transactions.
  • Washer Usage: Total amount of washer machine transactions.
  • Dryer Usage: Total number of dryer machine transactions.


Tip: You are able to find all those description by moving your cursor to each column headers.

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