Utility Monitoring

By christi


How Can We Help?

Utility Monitoring

Utility monitoring can be particularly valuable to track the performance of renewable energy sources to optimize their integration into the laundromat’s energy supply.

By implementing effective utility monitoring, laundromat owners can gain valuable insights into their energy consumption patterns, identify opportunities for cost savings, and contribute to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly business.


This feature allows users to monitor the outlet’s gas level in real time, by select an outlet on the navigation tab.

Real Time Gas Level

Figure 2: The Real Time Gas Level.

After selecting an outlet from the navigation tab, gas level of selected outlet are shown in real time and percentage.


Daily Gas Level in Selected Date

A table of daily gas levels is shown with levels in kilogram.
Figure 3: The Daily Gas Level of Selected Outlet in Selected Date.

Green box: Users can select any date within the selected year.

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