Loyalty Admin – News

By karyan


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Loyalty Admin – News

Figure 1 News Page

Once the admin clicks on the News from the sidebar, it will redirect the admin to the News page. Initially, if the admin haven’t create any news, the page will display NO NEWS. Admin can click on the ADD NEWS button on the top right corner to add their news.

Add News

Figure 2 Add News Page

When the admin click on the ADD NEWS button, it will redirect to the add news page. The admin is required to provide the title, description, banner, and image for the news but the period is optional. The news also can have different language such as Malay and Chinese version. After finish fill in all the news information, the admin can click on the SUBMIT button to add the news.

Figure 3 News List

When the admin added the news successfully, the news list will be displayed in the news page. The admin also can edit or delete the news by clicking the icon in the action column.

Edit News

Figure 4 Edit News Page

When the admin click on the edit icon in the action column, it will redirect to the edit news page. The admin can edit the title and description for the English, Malay and Chinese version. The admin also can change the banner and image by uploading a new image. The period of the news also can be changed by selecting the date. When the admin finished editing the news, the admin can click on the SUBMIT button to save the changes.

Delete News

Figure 5 Delete News Pop Up

The admin also can delete the news by clicking the delete icon in the action column. After the delete icon was clicked, the pop up will be shown to confirm the admin wants to delete that specific news. The admin can click on the Yes button to delete the news.

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