Loyalty Admin – Token Setting

By hzchin


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Loyalty Admin – Token Setting

Enable e-Token Feature

Checkbox to enable Token Feature
Checkbox to enable Token Feature

Once the admin clicks on the Token Setting from Figure 3a, it will redirect the admin to the Token Setting page.

To enable e-Token feature, admin must firstly click on the checkbox. With the appearance of Green Ticks, it indicates that e-Token feature has been successfully turned on.

Token Setting page is to let the admin to set the setting for the voucher. Admin can change the rate for user to buy e-token by removing it and add package. If e-Token package already available, a card similar to Figure 3.8a will appear.

Token Setting Page
Figure 3.8a Token Setting Page

Add e-Token Package

Add e-Token package Page
Figure 3.8a Add e-Token package Page

Once the admin clicks on the Add package (Blue button) from Figure 3.8a, there will be a pop-up box to let admin to key in the package for e-token.

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