Loyalty Admin – User Details

By hzchin


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Loyalty Admin – User Details

Figure 3.5a User Details Page

Once the admin clicks on the user details from Figure 3a, it will redirect the admin to the user details page. The role of User details page is to let the admin to see the details of the customers. The details will be displayed as in Name, Phone Number, Birthday, Age, Email Address, Member ID, Washer Stamp, Dryer Stamp, Total Stamps, Vouchers acquired, Total Washer Payment (RM), Total Dryer Payment (RM), Total Payment (RM), e-Tokens, Bought e-Token using (RM), Total e-token Purchased (Tokens), Washer Payment (Tokens), Dryer Payment (Tokens), Total Payment (Tokens).

Table ItemsDescription
NameThis column shows name of customer.
Phone NumberThis column shows phone number of customer.
BirthdayThis column shows birthday of customer.
AgeThis column shows age of customer.
Email AddressThis column shows email address of customer.
Member IDThis column shows member ID belongs to customer.
Washer StampThis column shows number of washer stamps currently available to customer.
Dryer StampThis column shows number of dryer stamps currently available to customer.
Total StampsThis column shows total number of washer and dryer stamps currently available to customer.
Voucher AcquiredThis column shows the voucher used by the customer.
Total Washer Payment (RM)This column shows the total payment value in Ringgit being paid to washer by the customer.
Total Dryer Payment (RM)This column shows the total payment value in Ringgit being paid to dryer by the customer.
Total Payment (RM)This column shows the total payment value in Ringgit being paid to washer and dryer by the customer.
e-TokensThis column shows the total e-Token currently available to the customer.
Bought e-Token using (RM)This column shows the total e-Token value had been purchased in Ringgit by the customer.
Total e-token Purchased (Tokens)This column shows the total number of e-Token had been purchased by the customer.
Washer Payment (Tokens)This column shows the total payment value in e-Token being paid to washer by the customer.
Dryer Payment (Tokens)This column shows the total payment value in e-Token being paid to dryer by the customer.
Total Payment (Tokens)This column shows the total payment value in e-Token being paid to washer and dryer by the customer.
Table 1 describe table items in User Details Page

Search Bar

Search Bar
Figure 3.5.1a Search Bar

Once the admin type specific user name on the search bar the result will be filtered through it. There is an example showed above. If the admin type “my name” and the results will be filtered out “testing” only.

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