Loyalty Admin – Voucher Setting

By hzchin


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Loyalty Admin – Voucher Setting

Voucher Setting Page
Figure 3.7a Voucher Setting Page

Once the admin clicks on the Voucher Setting from Figure 3a, it will redirect the admin to the Voucher Setting page. Voucher Setting page is to let the admin to set the setting for the voucher.

By using either one of the functions of Select Outlet and Select Date, admin will be able to filter (Blue Button) the results they want. There is also a reset button (Grey Button) that can let the admin to reset their filters.

Voucher Setting ComponentDescription
User Stamping MechanicThere are only two stamping mechanics are allowed. Either combine the stamp for dryer and washer or separate them.
Separated StampingIf user uses dryer, he will gain 1 dryer stamp, and if user uses washer, then he will gain 1 washer stamp.
Combined StampingUser either use dryer or washer gains 1 stamp that can stack to each other.
Table 1 describe components of voucher setting

Registration voucher setting

Voucher Setting Page
Figure 3.7.1a Voucher Setting Page

Admin can be able to change the settings for the registration voucher, the admin changes the settings for the voucher. Once click on the confirm button, the voucher will automatically apply to registration voucher.

Registration Voucher SettingDescription
Usable byWasher, dryer, or both.
EligibilityCurrent state of being eligible for the customer.
ExpiryCurrent state of voucher (whether it has passed its assigned life span).
LifespanAssigned life for voucher after being acquired.
Discount typeType of discount available on the voucher (Flat or discount).
TitleThe title of the registration voucher.
DescriptionThe description for the voucher.
AmountThe amount for the voucher.
Table above describe component in registration voucher setting

Stamp voucher setting

Stamp Setting Page
Figure 3.7.2a Stamp Setting Page

Admin can be able to change the settings for the registration voucher, the admin changes the settings for the voucher. Once click on the confirm button, the voucher will automatically apply to the stamp voucher.

Stamping Voucher SettingDescription
Usable byWasher, dryer, or both.
EligibilityCurrent state of being eligible for the customer.
ExpiryCurrent state of voucher (whether it has passed its assigned life span).
LifespanAssigned life for voucher after being acquired.
Discount typeType of discount available on the voucher (Flat or discount).
TitleThe title of the registration voucher.
DescriptionThe description for the voucher.
AmountThe amount for the voucher.
Table above describe component in Stamping voucher setting

Birthday voucher setting

Birthday Setting Page
Figure 3.7.3a Birthday Setting Page

Admin can be able to change the settings for the registration voucher, the admin changes the settings for the voucher. Once click on the confirm button, the voucher will automatically apply to the Birthday voucher.

Birthday Voucher SettingDescription
Usable byWasher, dryer, or both.
EligibilityCurrent state of being eligible for the customer.
ExpiryCurrent state of voucher (whether it has passed its assigned life span).
LifespanAssigned life for voucher after being acquired.
Discount typeType of discount available on the voucher (Flat or discount).
TitleThe title of the registration voucher.
DescriptionThe description for the voucher.
AmountThe amount for the voucher.
Table above describe component in Stamping voucher setting
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