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User manual go through – Register and Login
While you scanned the QR code they will be redirected you to the Laundro Loyalty Landing Page. Below are the basic flow and go-through for your first-time experience of registering your account.
Landing Page
On the top left corner, user can change the site language to be English, Malay or Chinese. User have to choose REGISTER, LOGIN or SKIP TO PAYMENT to continue. User can click on View our guideline or the question mark icon on the bottom right corner to view the FAQs.
Figure 1: The Landing page of Laundro Loyalty.
Login Page
After clicking LOGIN button from Figure 1, user have to insert the phone number and password, then click LOGIN button to log in.
Figure 2: The Login page of Laundro Loyalty.
Create Account
After clicking REGISTER button from Figure 1, it will navigate the user to the register page. User must fill in the phone number, name, date of birth, password and confirmation password to register a new account. Email and referral code fields is optional for user to fill in.
*Please be informed, spamming the send code button multiple times may cause multiple orders. Please wait patiently for it to proceed. 😊
Figure 3: The Create Account page of Laundro Loyalty.
OTP Confirmation
After clicking SEND CODE from Figure 3, there will a displaying one more OTP text input to let the user type in their OTP. Users can also request a new code by clicking the RESEND CODE every 60 seconds.
Figure 4: The Otp Confirmation of Create Account Page.
Register error
If the user tries to register directly from the link, there will be a pop-up box to warn the user to continue to proceed.
Figure 5: Register error pop-up box
Forgot Password
After clicking Forgot password? from Figure 2 , there will be a pop-up box to let the user confirm if he has really forgotten his password and want to have a new temporary password.
*It should be noted, if you have lost your mobile phone, please contact us immediately before any losses happened.
Figure 6: Forgot Password pop-up box
Reset Password
After clicking Confirm button from Figure 6, it will pop up another box to let the user enter their phone number to get the temporary password and the temporary password will be sent to their phone number through SMS.
*Kindly note, if you don’t have an account, please do not try to spam through this pop-up box, the system will still not let you surpass it.
Figure 7: Reset Password pop-up box
After you register or login successful you will be redirect to the payment page. You also can click the SKIP TO PAYMENT button from Figure 1 to skip the login or register process.