Monthly Utilization

By christi


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Monthly Utilization

Monthly Total Run Time of Machines

monthly total run time of dryer and washer machines
Figure 1: Monthly Total Run Time of Dryer and Washer Machines in Every Outlet.

The bar chart is indicating the annual total run time of the selected month.

Red box: Users able to select dryer or washer machine to review the monthly total run time.

Green box: Indicating the total run time of all outlets’ machines and the highest running time of oulet.

Daily Machine Utilization in Line Graph.

the monthly machine utilization of dryer and washer machine in line graph
Figure 2: The Monthly Machine Utilization of Dryer and Washer Machine in Line Graph.

The line graph indicates the daily total run time of selected outlet’s dryer and washer machines.

Red box: Users able to reveal or hide the graph of monthly total run time of all outlets’ dryer and washer machine.

Yellow box: Selecting alternative outlets to review daily run time in line graph.

Green box: Indicating the total run time of all outlet’s dryer and washer in hours.

Temperature Preference during Run Time and Machine Utilization Time.

pie charts of temperature preference and machine utilization time
Figure 3: 2 Pie Charts of Temperature Preference and Machine Utilization Time during Selected Month.

The left pie chart is illustrating the total runs with different temperature reference during the selected month; the right pie chart is indicating total run and idle time of dryer or washer machine during the selected month.

Red box: Users able to review dryer or washer machine’s total run and idle time.

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