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Browsable Reports
Users able to download excel of any reports from this feature.
Figure 1: The Navigation of Browsable Reports.
Select type of record to download based on the selected date. Each selection indicates specific report;
- Transaction record; The purpose is to track the start time and verify the machine run time for each transaction.
- Sales Summary; Displays total amount by machine type and payment method.
- Epayment Record; This report contains information about token, e-wallet, and FPX payments. It can be used to determine the status of epayment transactions based on transaction IDs.
- Record of Manual Pay; Providing refund transaction data.
- Bill Record; Will display a summary of the coins deducted (requires Bill Acceptor).
- Machine Sales Transactions; Enables you to track daily sales of individual machines.
- Hourly Sales Transaction; By examining the sales summary for each hour, you may determine when is peak hour.
- Sales by Machine Type; a summary report on machine type, classified by payment mode (coin, epayment, manual, and total discount).