Machine Logging

This feature helps to ease users to track and record of their machines’ issues and maintenance. Red box: Select a desired outlet. Green box: Select a desired machine to review its issues and maintenances record. Add A New Record After clicking Blue Button of Figure 2, a box is prompted to allow users select type […]

Browsable Reports

Users able to download excel of any reports from this feature. Figure 1: The Navigation of Browsable Reports.   Select type of record to download based on the selected date. Each selection indicates specific report;  Transaction record; The purpose is to track the start time and verify the machine run time for each transaction. Sales […]

Utility Monitoring

This feature allows users to monitor the outlet’s gas level in real time, by select an outlet on the navigation tab. Figure 1 : The Navigation of Utility Monitoring. Real Time Gas Level Figure 2: The Real Time Gas Level. After selecting an outlet from the navigation tab, gas level of selected outlet are shown […]

Sales Performance

The sales performance can be reviewed in annuals and months. Users able to select the specific year for viewing annual total sales of selected outlets. A monthly sales box is prompted to allow users select the specific month of year to view monthly total sales. Related term Annual Total Sales Monthly Total Sales

Remote Activation

This feature allows users to remotely control and make payment for washer, dryer and vending machine. Select an outlet for remotely controlling a machine from the selected outlet. Figure 1: The Navigation of Remote Activation. Machine Selection Figure 2: The Lists of Washer, Dryer and Vending Machines’ Activities. There are 4 lists of machines which […]

Machine Utilization

This feature allows Laundro’s user to review the run time of washer and dryer machines with different temperature preference for running.   The summary of machine utilization can be reviewed in annuals and months. Annual utilization can be checked by selecting specific year, then a box is prompted to allow users select the specific month […]

Features’ List and Navigation

Once logging in account successfully, the left side of the web browser always shows a navigation tab to navigate users to access certain feature or page such as below, (click the numbered items to read.) Dashboard. Sales Performance. Machine Utilization. Remote Activation. Chemical Monitoring. Reports. Others. (Price Settings and Adjustments, Machine CutOff, Inventory and Machine […]


Once logging in account successfully, the summary dashboard will be shown as default and a brief summary of your laundry outlet such as, Outlet Server Activity. The status of activity, earning and operated hours in specific outlet during the current year. Machine Performance. The numbers of idle, running and offline machines. Total Annual Earning. The […]