Loyalty Admin – News

Once the admin clicks on the News from the sidebar, it will redirect the admin to the News page. Initially, if the admin haven’t create any news, the page will display NO NEWS. Admin can click on the ADD NEWS button on the top right corner to add their news. Add News When the admin […]

Loyalty Admin – FAQ

Once the admin clicks on the FAQs from the sidebar, it will redirect the admin to the FAQs page. Initially, if the admin haven’t create any FAQ, the page will display NO FAQs. Admin can click on the ADD FAQ button on the top right corner to add their FAQs. Add FAQ When the admin […]

Loyalty Admin – SMS Report

Once the admin clicks on the SMS Report from Figure 3.10a, it will redirect the admin to the SMS report page. This page is to let the admin to track the SMS which user requested for a temporary password and available SMS credit remained. Please notify the developer team or your supplier to topup your […]

Loyalty Admin – User Details

Once the admin clicks on the user details from Figure 3a, it will redirect the admin to the user details page. The role of User details page is to let the admin to see the details of the customers. The details will be displayed as in Name, Phone Number, Birthday, Age, Email Address, Member ID, […]

Loyalty Admin – Token Report

Once the admin clicks on the Token Report from Figure 3a, it will redirect the admin to the Token Report page. The role of Token Report page is to let the admin sees the details of token used by the customers according to each branch. The details will be displayed as in Outlet Name, Total […]

Loyalty Admin – Voucher Redemption

Once the admin clicks on the voucher redemption from Figure 3a, it will redirect the admin to the voucher redemption page. The role of voucher redemption page is to let the admin to see the details of voucher used by the customers. The details will be displayed as in User Name, Number, Amount, Grant Date, […]

Loyalty Admin – User Performance

Once the admin clicks on the User Performance from Figure 3a, it will redirect the admin to the User Performance page. The role of user performance page is to let the admin to see the user performance according to the date filter function. The user performance will be displayed as in Name, Number, Join Date, […]

Loyalty Admin – Store Performance

Once the admin clicks on the Store Performance from Figure 3a, it will redirect the admin to the Store Performance page. The role of store performance page is to let the admin to filter the required data between different outlet such as different outlet, and date. The data will be displayed as in Store, Stamps […]

Loyalty Admin – Dashboard

Dashboard are summarizing a total of five items. Which are Total Users Registered, Total Active Outlets, Total Vouchers Given, Total Transaction Counts, Total User Stamps Collected. (*Kindly note, dashboard summary does not navigate you to any pages, it just let the admin to know the summarize results.) Total Users Registered The total registered user that […]

Loyalty Admin – Introduction

This guide will go through and explain the admin portal and the features they have at the moment. Current feature lists have: Dashboard Store Performance User Performance Voucher redemption Token Report User Details User Rewards Voucher Settings Token Settings Customize Color SMS Report FAQs News Referral Settings Once logging in account successfully, the landing page […]